Employee of the Month
This is a monthly program that recognizes employees who go above and beyond typical job expectations, provide outstanding service, or perform distinctive achievements that impact Community Health of East Tennessee.
Employee must not have any documented corrective action within the past 6 months.
How to Nominate:
An Employee of the Month nomination form is completed and submitted by the deadline date. The form must be completed in its entirety to be considered.
Selection Process:
A schedule has been created so each department will be recognized. Employees will be nominated/selected according to the designated month for their department. Nomination forms are due to the HR Director or the Compliance Officer on the second Friday of each month. The Board of Directors will review all nomination forms and decide the winner. The employee will be recognized during the month following the board meeting.
The employee that is selected will receive one $50.00 gift card. The winner may also be recognized on the company’s website and social media.